Switzerland is a small country, nevertheless the most European. You will find 8.57 million inhabitants. An educated workforce and high purchasing power. Multilingualism and different cultural characteristics in German, French and Italian. Coordination and controlling will be easy to manage, because all three language regions can be reached within a day by train or car.
Bellone Franchise Consulting GmbH is based in the german speaking city of Zug, Canton Zug, Switzerland. We have been in business for more than 30 years. We sharpen your market entry strategy and support you in finding the right single unit, multi-unit/multi-brand or master franchisees. We will introduce you to the Swiss franchise market with an appearance on our website www.franchisebusiness.ch and with accompanying social media activities. In addition, we actively search suitable partners for your business concept.
Feel free to book our »Bellone Online Expert Talk« for your individual expansion into Switzerland.
For more information please check our profil and website or contact us via email: